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课程 Section and Classroom Event Scheduling

注册及记录 is the primary room scheduler for course scheduling and event reservations within classrooms.

Scheduling Policies and Procedures

The following resources should be reviewed when creating and updating each department's course schedule.

  • 课程 and Event Classroom scheduling 程序.  本文件包括:
    • Guiding principles and priority for scheduling classes and events in classrooms
    • Applicable policies and 程序 for section and event scheduling
    • An overview of the scheduling process
  • 班级教学指南 对于单元调度程序
  • Mimimum Section Size Standards

登记 & 记录 utilizes a room scheduling software to ensure the optimization of classroom usage.  In determining assignments, the following goals are taken into consideration:

  • Maximize seat fill percentage (room types & 房间大小)
  • Evenly schedule courses throughout the day/week
  • 教学的需要
  • 位置的偏好

Academic departments will have the opportunity to provide course location edits for an upcoming term. If a non-specialized classroom is needed, the classroom assignment will be automated during the optimization process. Instructors should log into 校园连接 each term to confirm their classroom location.

课程 & 部分监控

Ad Astra监视器

Monitor is a web-based platform that is used to assist administrators and academic departments in monitoring student demand for courses by providing real-time enrollment data for each course directly from 校园连接. This tool also provides a dashboard that promotes transparency around our course offerings and enrollment. Additional features include:


  • Track how quickly courses are filling to help you understand how to adjust your offerings during the registration process to meet your students’ needs without wasting resources on unneeded sections.  


  • View registration data easily available with clear visualizations 
  • Drill into specific courses to learn how sections are filling 


  • Track courses above and below certain enrollment ratio thresholds to help you understand which courses need attention 


  • Select specific courses for which to receive notifications 
  • Be notified of any registration status changes on a course

For questions or more information about course scheduling in a classroom or computer cluster, 请联系:ndsu.rr.scheduling@healthydairyland.com

Classroom Event Reservations

After the academic schedule is in place, classrooms and computer clusters are available for event reservations. Examples of event reservations include:

  • Student organizational meetings
  • 演讲嘉宾
  • 研究生 student final defense
  • Supplementary classroom computer cluster

Reservations must be submitted to 注册及记录 at least 24 hours in advance. Reservations are typically processed within 2 business days, but may be longer during busy times.  在极少数情况下, last-minute reservations for the same day will be considered, but will not be considered nor processed after 2 p.m.

Processing of event reservations will begin each semester following the timeline below. 

学期 时间轴
夏季/秋季 3月15日
春天 10月15日

It is the responsibility of the requester to comply with and complete all relevant 程序:

In addition to the classroom reservation form with 注册及记录, entities must complete a 设施使用协议 for Facilities Management 5 business days in advance if any of the following exist:

  • An NDSU student organization plans to hold an event/meeting in an NDSU facility
  • The event will require food service or food from an outside vendor/source
  • The event will involve non-NDSU entities or persons in attendance

校园部门: 设施使用协议 (参见COVID-19指南)
学生组织:设施使用协议 (Note: you must be logged into myNDSU to access the form)

For questions about reserving a classroom or computer lab, 请联系:

注册及记录, 701-231-7981

Contacts for non-classroom & 市中心预订:

学生集中. 土地赠与. 研究型大学.

  • 脸谱网
  • 推特
  • RSS
  • 谷歌地图

Office of 注册及记录
Phone: +1 (701) 231-7981 / Toll Free: +1 (800) 608-6378 / Fax: (701) 231-8959
学校地址: 谷神星馆110
Physical/delivery address: 行政大道1301号.纽约州法戈市58102号
Mailing address: NDSU Dept. 2801 / P.O. Box 6050 / Fargo, ND 58108-6050
页面经理: Office of 注册及记录

Last Updated: Tuesday, December 05, 2023 3:08:18 PM